Water for All: Community, Property, and Revolution in Modern Bolivia

Banner reading “¡El agua es nuestra, carajo!” (“The water is ours, damn it!”) hangs from the balcony of the Central Obrera Departamental building in Cochabamba’s 14 de Septiembre Plaza during the final mobilizations of the Water War, April 2000. Photo by Tom Kruse.
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Cosmopolitanism in the Anthropocene

What does it mean to live in the Anthropocene?  On one hand, it means that the human species has transformed the climatic and environmental processes of its entire planet.  So radically are we changing our biosphere that we may bring about the collapse of our economic system[1] and perhaps even a sixth “mass extinction event”[2].

But announcements of the Anthropocene do not merely describe. They also prescribe.  Like any environmental matter Continue reading