We are delighted to welcome

contributions from colleagues outside of OU. Bio’s of guest contributors appear below; click on their names to see their posts. Professional affiliations are listed solely for purposes of identification; posts on this blog do not reflect the policies or positions of any institution, but are expressions of each author’s own individual viewpoint.

If you would like to propose a post please contact the administrator using the form on the About page. We will consider submissions in keeping with the subject, tone and format of the blog (see the Prospectus, and review existing posts for guidance).

Manuel Arias Maldonado photo
MANUEL ARIAS MALDONADO is an Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Málaga, Spain. He has been a Fulbright Scholar at Berkeley and a researcher at the Rachel Carson Center in Munich. His last book is Environment & Society: Socionatural Relations in the Anthropocene (Springer, 2015).

Nir Barak photo
NIR BARAK is a PhD. Candidate in the department of political science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is also a fellow of a joint research program of the Hebrew University and Freie Universität Berlin called ‘Human Rights-Under Pressure‘. Nir’s dissertation brings forward an environmental political theory of the city entitled Civic Ecologism, which analyses philosophical, theoretical and practical (policy) aspects of environmental politics in cities.

Jeremy Bendik-Keymer photo
JEREMY BENDIK-KEYMER works as the Beamer-Schneider Professor in Ethics at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. A former student of the New Hartford Public Schools, the Lycée Corneille, Yale College, and University of Chicago, He has written, collaborated on, or edited a number of books, all focused on the sense of humanity in one form or another.

Michael photo
MICHAEL ELLIS s a senior scientist at the British Geological Survey. In one way or another, he has been challenging Earth scientists for more than a decade to engage the human process in geology (writ large). He co-founded and is an editor of Earth’s Future, an open-access journal published by the American Geophysical Union, and he insists on it being widely known that the Anthropocene is not the end of humanity nor the end of nature!

Marit Hammond photo
MARIT HAMMOND is Lecturer in Politics at Keele University, UK. She is also a Co-Investigator at the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP), a five-year ESRC-funded research project across seven universities and several outside partners led by the University of Surrey. Recent work has appeared in Contemporary Political Theory, Democratization, Policy Sciences, Representation and Constellations.

Christian Hunold photo
CHRISTIAN HUNOLD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Politics at Drexel University, affiliated with the Center for Science, Technology and Society. His work on deliberative and participatory policymaking and urban sustainability has appeared in Environmental Politics, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, and Political Studies. He studies the politics and culture of urban wildlife, to help foster urban wildlife spaces and to understand how the blurring of human and nonhuman worlds generates new forms of environmental political engagement.

Ellie Irons photo
ELLIE IRONS is an artist and educator based in Brooklyn and Troy, New York. She works in a variety of media, from drawing to gardening, to reveal how human and nonhuman lives intertwine with other earth systems. She is co-founder of the Next Epoch Seed Library and the Environmental Performance Agency. She is currently working on a practice-based PhD at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, researching the intersection of socially engaged art and urban ecology..

Tom Lekan photo
TOM LEKAN is an Associate Professor in the Department of History and the School of Earth, Ocean, and the Environment at the University of South Carolina in Columbia. His publications and teaching focus on the history and political ecology of European, North American, and East African nature conservation, national parks, tourism, and urban planning. He is current book project is Saving the Serengeti: Tourism, the Cold War, and the Paradox of European Conservation in Postcolonial Africa, 1950–1985.

Steve Mentz photo
STEVE MENTZ is Professor of English at St. John’s University in New York City. He writes widely in ecocriticism and the blue humanities, including most recently the book Ocean (2020) and the collection, A Cultural History of the Sea in the Early Modern Age (2021). He occasionally blogs at The Bookfish on his own website https://stevementz.com. (ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7118-798X)

John Meyer photo
JOHN M. MEYER is Professor and Chair in the Department of Politics at Humboldt State University. He has written and edited several books, including Engaging the Everyday: Environmental Social Criticism and the Resonance Dilemma (MIT 2015) and is an editor of the journal Environmental Politics.

Luigi Pellizzoni photo
LUIGI PELLIZZONI is Associate Professor of Environmental and Political Sociology at the University of Trieste, Italy. He has recently authored Ontological Politics in a Disposable World: The New Mastery of Nature (Ashgate, 2015) and co-edited Neoliberalism and Technoscience: Critical Assessments (Ashgate, 2012).

Chelsea Scudder photo
CHELSEA SCUDDER works as the Outreach and Communications Coordinator for Kairos Earth, a small non-profit in Canterbury, NH. After receiving her bachelor’s degree in religious studies & political science at the University of Oklahoma, she moved to New England to get her master’s in comparative religion from Harvard Divinity School. Growing up the daughter of environmentalists and raised in a secular home surrounded by the strongly Christian culture of Oklahoma was the initial spark of Chelsea’s interest in the intersection of religion and environmental issues. She explores this intersection both through her job and on her blog (practicingvicariously.com).

Lisa Sideris
LISA SIDERIS is an associate professor of Religious Studies at Indiana University. Her research interests include environmental ethics at the intersection of science and religion, and the ways in which religious worldviews influence Anthropocene narratives.

Zach Throckmorton photo
ZACH THROCKMORTON is Assistant Professor of Anatomy at Lincoln Memorial University’s DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine in Appalachian Tennessee and Rising Star Associate at the University of the Witwatersrand’s Evolutionary Studies Institute in Johannesburg, Gauteng.  While his research focuses on hominin postcranial musculoskeletal evolution, he is also interested in broader topics in evolution and ecology.  His website is at https://sites.google.com/site/zjtphd/home.

Anna Vomacka photo
ANNA VOMACKA is a yoga teacher / practitioner and dance maker / performer based in Brooklyn, New York. Anna’s choreographies explore idiosyncratic-difference and intersect with her commitment to justice work. Her website is annavomacka.com.

Kyle Powys Whyte photo
KYLE POWYS WHYTE holds the Timnick Chair in the Humanities at Michigan State University as an Associate Professor of Philosophy and Community Sustainability and a faculty affiliate of the American Indian & Indigenous Studies and Environmental Science & Policy programs. He is Potawatomi and an enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. His website is at http://kylewhyte.cal.msu.edu.

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